
Undocumented in source.



alias avifBool = int
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alias avifColorPrimaries = ushort
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alias avifIODestroyFunc = void function(avifIO* io)
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alias avifIOReadFunc = avifResult function(avifIO* io, uint readFlags, ulong offset, size_t size, avifROData* out_)
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alias avifIOWriteFunc = avifResult function(avifIO* io, uint writeFlags, ulong offset, in ubyte* data, size_t size)
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alias avifMatrixCoefficients = ushort
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alias avifTransferCharacteristics = ushort
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enum avifAddImageFlags
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enum avifChannelIndex
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enum avifChromaSamplePosition
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enum avifChromaUpsampling
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enum avifCodecChoice
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enum avifCodecFlags
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enum avifDecoderSource
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enum avifPixelFormat
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enum avifPlanesFlags
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enum avifRGBFormat
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enum avifRange
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enum avifResult
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enum avifTransformationFlags
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void* avifAlloc(size_t size)
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avifCodecChoice avifCodecChoiceFromName(char* name)
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const(char)* avifCodecName(avifCodecChoice choice, uint requiredFlags)
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void avifCodecVersions(char* outBuffer)
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avifColorPrimaries avifColorPrimariesFind(float* inPrimaries, char** outName)
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void avifColorPrimariesGetValues(avifColorPrimaries acp, float* outPrimaries)
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avifDecoder* avifDecoderCreate()
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void avifDecoderDestroy(avifDecoder* decoder)
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avifBool avifDecoderIsKeyframe(avifDecoder* decoder, uint frameIndex)
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uint avifDecoderNearestKeyframe(avifDecoder* decoder, uint frameIndex)
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avifResult avifDecoderNextImage(avifDecoder* decoder)
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avifResult avifDecoderNthImage(avifDecoder* decoder, uint frameIndex)
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avifResult avifDecoderNthImageMaxExtent(avifDecoder* decoder, uint frameIndex, avifExtent* outExtent)
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avifResult avifDecoderNthImageTiming(avifDecoder* decoder, uint frameIndex, avifImageTiming* outTiming)
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avifResult avifDecoderParse(avifDecoder* decoder)
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avifResult avifDecoderRead(avifDecoder* decoder, avifImage* image)
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avifResult avifDecoderReadFile(avifDecoder* decoder, avifImage* image, char* filename)
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avifResult avifDecoderReadMemory(avifDecoder* decoder, avifImage* image, ubyte* data, size_t size)
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avifResult avifDecoderReset(avifDecoder* decoder)
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void avifDecoderSetIO(avifDecoder* decoder, avifIO* io)
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avifResult avifDecoderSetIOFile(avifDecoder* decoder, char* filename)
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avifResult avifDecoderSetIOMemory(avifDecoder* decoder, ubyte* data, size_t size)
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avifResult avifDecoderSetSource(avifDecoder* decoder, avifDecoderSource source)
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avifResult avifEncoderAddImage(avifEncoder* encoder, avifImage* image, ulong durationInTimescales, uint addImageFlags)
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avifResult avifEncoderAddImageGrid(avifEncoder* encoder, uint gridCols, uint gridRows, avifImage** cellImages, uint addImageFlags)
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avifEncoder* avifEncoderCreate()
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void avifEncoderDestroy(avifEncoder* encoder)
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avifResult avifEncoderFinish(avifEncoder* encoder, avifRWData* output)
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void avifEncoderSetCodecSpecificOption(avifEncoder* encoder, char* key, char* value)
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avifResult avifEncoderWrite(avifEncoder* encoder, avifImage* image, avifRWData* output)
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void avifFree(void* p)
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int avifFullToLimitedUV(int depth, int v)
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int avifFullToLimitedY(int depth, int v)
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void avifGetPixelFormatInfo(avifPixelFormat format, avifPixelFormatInfo* info)
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avifIO* avifIOCreateFileReader(char* filename)
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avifIO* avifIOCreateMemoryReader(ubyte* data, size_t size)
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void avifIODestroy(avifIO* io)
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void avifImageAllocatePlanes(avifImage* image, uint planes)
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void avifImageCopy(avifImage* dstImage, avifImage* srcImage, uint planes)
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avifImage* avifImageCreate(int width, int height, int depth, avifPixelFormat yuvFormat)
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avifImage* avifImageCreateEmpty()
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void avifImageDestroy(avifImage* image)
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void avifImageFreePlanes(avifImage* image, uint planes)
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avifResult avifImageRGBToYUV(avifImage* image, avifRGBImage* rgb)
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void avifImageSetMetadataExif(avifImage* image, ubyte* exif, size_t exifSize)
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void avifImageSetMetadataXMP(avifImage* image, ubyte* xmp, size_t xmpSize)
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void avifImageSetProfileICC(avifImage* image, ubyte* icc, size_t iccSize)
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void avifImageStealPlanes(avifImage* dstImage, avifImage* srcImage, uint planes)
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avifBool avifImageUsesU16(avifImage* image)
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avifResult avifImageYUVToRGB(avifImage* image, avifRGBImage* rgb)
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uint avifLibYUVVersion()
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int avifLimitedToFullUV(int depth, int v)
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int avifLimitedToFullY(int depth, int v)
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avifBool avifPeekCompatibleFileType(avifROData* input)
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const(char)* avifPixelFormatToString(avifPixelFormat format)
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uint avifRGBFormatChannelCount(avifRGBFormat format)
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avifBool avifRGBFormatHasAlpha(avifRGBFormat format)
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void avifRGBImageAllocatePixels(avifRGBImage* rgb)
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void avifRGBImageFreePixels(avifRGBImage* rgb)
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uint avifRGBImagePixelSize(avifRGBImage* rgb)
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avifResult avifRGBImagePremultiplyAlpha(avifRGBImage* rgb)
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void avifRGBImageSetDefaults(avifRGBImage* rgb, avifImage* image)
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avifResult avifRGBImageUnpremultiplyAlpha(avifRGBImage* rgb)
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void avifRWDataFree(avifRWData* raw)
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void avifRWDataRealloc(avifRWData* raw, size_t newSize)
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void avifRWDataSet(avifRWData* raw, ubyte* data, size_t len)
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const(char)* avifResultToString(avifResult result)
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const(char)* avifVersion()
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Manifest constants

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Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
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struct avifCleanApertureBox
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struct avifCodecConfigurationBox
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struct avifCodecSpecificOptions
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struct avifDecoder
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struct avifDecoderData
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struct avifEncoder
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struct avifEncoderData
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struct avifExtent
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struct avifIO
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struct avifIOStats
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struct avifImage
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struct avifImageMirror
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struct avifImageRotation
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struct avifImageTiming
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struct avifPixelAspectRatioBox
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struct avifPixelFormatInfo
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struct avifRGBImage
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struct avifROData
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struct avifRWData
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